My Favorite Quotes

“Your biggest limitation is your reluctance to move forward. Get over that, and you can get over anything.” -Ralph Marston

“What seems impossible is only impossible from your current perspective. Just beyond impossible is the chance to jump to a higher level.” -Ralph Marston

“In all those things that stir your passion, there are valuable achievements waiting for you to bring them to life. In what you love, in the way you like to feel, there are pointers to your next great achievement.” -Ralph Marston

 “Life is not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” - Hassett

“It’s not where you are from, but where you are going. It’s not what you drive, but what drives you. It’s not what’s on you, but what’s in you. It’s not what you think, but what you know.” -Author Unknown

“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.” - Zig Zigler

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Following Through

Following through is probably one of the most important traits to pursue.  So often we start too many projects and we either forget to finish them or things happen, like life, and we become sidetracked very easily.  It is easy to look past the little tasks at hand to get other things done, but it is all important and like I have stated before we need to have balance in life to get all the things done and still have time for the people in our lives that need us as well. All of these things are difficult because they all take a fair amount of prep, time and attention.  Follow through will help you stay on track and finish what it is that you are starting, in order to feel that sense of accomplishment, which is what motivated us to get started in the first place.  Sometimes life can throw us a bad hand and it is up to us to deal with it, however, we do best.  Sometimes it is easiest to throw them back and ask for all new cards, but in the game of life we can’t do that. 

 I have been challenged recently with this, I have always had bad knees, but in the last month my right knee has given me more grief than ever, it keeps me up at night and buckles on me at times, not to mention the pain it causes me just to walk.  I am currently 3.5 weeks out from my first comp of the season and like most competitors know, this is the toughest part, mentally and physically! I went to a knee specialist and he has order me to have an MRI, he believes it is either a meniscus tear or tendon tear in my knee, which will both result in a minimal surgery that will only put me out for maybe 10 days, but this close to competition I can’t be out for 1 day.  So if I do need surgery it will have to wait until after my season. In the meantime, I am just dealing with it and pushing through.  I feel good today, but yesterday I felt terrible. I definitely have my ups and downs. This is just going to make my Pro Card that much sweeter ;) So there you go, as bad as things can seem at times we still have the choice to follow through with what we started or throw in the cards and give up! I WILL not give up, my knee is just a small setback, but it will not hold me back!  If your goals are truly important to you don’t let anything or anyone keep you from reaching them.

 Three and half weeks before competition and at times I feel tired, hungry and stressed. Stressed about whether I will be ready in time due to my knee, but then other times I feel like the strongest girl in the world, everyday is different, but getting through the lows are definitely hard! But this is all part of the journey and the destination would not be as amazing without it! I am almost there and can’t wait to step on that stage!


Jessica Jordan

Reader Comments (3)

awesome! the reward of the journey is not what you get but what you become!

June 3, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjp

Get that knee taken care of girl! I hope you are icing in the meantime

Jessica - It's good to hear from you. I hope your injury is taken care of as soon as possible and does not hinder your competition prep drastically. Keep us posted - only 3.5 weeks to go!

June 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterM.E. Anders

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